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Track all your deliveries in the Klarna app

April 24, 2020 - 2 min read





We’ve all been there: You order some items online, receive the confirmation emails, only to get lost scrolling through your inbox, manually typing in lengthy tracking numbers and clicking through hundreds of pages to track your order. In the worst case, you even miss your delivery.

If this feels familiar, Klarna is here to help. With the launch of our Email Connect feature today, users will be able to track all their shopping deliveries in one place:


If you connect your email account to Klarna’s in-app delivery tracking feature, all recent item deliveries connected to that email will be automatically and securely retrieved and highlighted in the app, giving you a handy overview of everything that’s headed your way. In the beginning, this feature will only be available to Gmail accounts, but we’ll make sure to expand this to other email services soon.

How does it work?

  • Download the Klarna app on the


  • Sign up to Klarna and open the app

  • Go to the “Highlights” tab

  • Press “Deliveries”

  • Read through the terms

  • Follow the remaining instructions

Email Connect is another step in our mission to provide you with the ultimate shopping experience, so you can leave the boring stuff behind and focus on the things that matter. There’s plenty more in the app that can help elevate your shopping experience. Simply download the app – like the millions of others around the world – and dive into a world of wishlists, price drop notifications and latest deals and discounts from your top brands.

Want to find out more about Email Connect or have further questions? Read through our

for more information.

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