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Connect with new, engaged audiences.

Klarna CRM Campaigns puts your brand in front of our customers at relevant touch points throughout the consumer journey.

An Omnichannel approach.

Klarna CRM Campaigns highlight relevant and timely content to our shoppers through various channels in our ecosystem, supporting an overall elevated consumer experience. In doing so, we drive incremental traffic to our brand partners.

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Connect with customers in their inbox. Craft unique emails and reach your ideal audience through sophisticated targeting.

Push notification

Push notifications.

Send customers timely and relevant messages directly to their mobile devices. These concise nudges drive customers right where you want them on your site.

In-app article

In-app article.

Inspire or inform customers with these editorial style articles that live on the Klarna app feed. Articles give you the flexibility to tell the story you want.

Strategies tailored to business needs.

Our experts have solutions to fit your brand needs no matter business size, price points, or categories. Sophisticated CRM tactics support key retail moments such as holiday and other seasonal peaks. Segments include fashion, jewelry and accessories, beauty, outdoors, home, gaming and tech. Just let us know what your business goals are, and leave the rest to us.

Interest-based user targeting.

We use consent-provided data from previous purchases, app engagement, interaction with Klarna owned channels, and predictive modelling to get your brand in front of the right audiences.

Campaigns designed and delivered by in-house experts.

Our team of in-house writers, designers, and production specialists create beautiful bespoke campaigns that highlight your brand in the best way possible.

Campaigns optimised for success.

We combine deep consumer and campaign insights to deliver real-time reporting. We use this information along with A/B testing to optimise campaigns for ongoing improvements to clicks and conversion.

How can CRM Campaigns help you meet your business goals?

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