
How long do refunds take?

Your refund will be processed within 5-7 business days. Once the store has registered your return or cancellation, you will receive your refund according to the store’s refund policy.

to view the status of your latest return or cancellation.

Good to know: Refunds are processed in different ways, depending on the status of your payment schedule, how much you have paid and if the store has processed a full or partial refund. Heads up, according to most store’s T&Cs express shipping fees are not refundable.

Full refund
Once the full refund is registered against your order, any remaining payments will be cancelled and the already paid amount will be refunded to the bank account provided.

Partial refund

  • If the partial refund is greater than the remaining balance of your order, the refund amount will be credited to the original payment method.

  • If the partial refund is less than the remaining balance of your order, the amount will be deducted from the outstanding balance and spread evenly across the remaining payments.

You can view any updates to your payment plan in the


Still waiting for your refund?
Depending on your financial institution, it can take up to 14 days for the funds to show in your account. To check the status of your refund, first

accordingly, then check the refund against your original payment method.

If after 14 days you have not received a refund, or your original form of payment is associated with a now closed bank account, please

our Customer Service. If your payment plan has not yet been adjusted by the store, please contact the store directly to confirm your return or order cancellation.

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