

With a Stocard account you will always be able to restore your cards if you reinstall our app, change your device or even change your operating system. Moreover, you can also synchronize your cards across several devices. Therefore, we encourage you to sign up for an account to make sure your data is safe and can always be accessed from all of your mobile devices.

How to sign up

  1. Open your Stocard app and select Account.

  2. Choose to Sign up.

  3. Select one of the available Sign up methods.

  4. If you choose to Sign up with Email, you will receive a verification code to the mail address you entered. This code can be used as a one-time password.

  5. Your account should now display as Signed in in your Stocard account settings. This means it can now be accessed from all of your devices, simply by logging in again.

Account ID

You can find your User ID in your Stocard Account at the very bottom of the page. It is a long, alphanumeric ID.

If you would like to log in to your existing account in order to restore your saved cards, please follow these steps:

  1. Open your Stocard app and go to Account.

  2. Choose Log in.

  3. Select your login method and log into your account.

Good to know: If you have added cards to Stocard before logging in to your existing account, these cards will not be merged with the saved cards in your account once you log in. Logging in will only restore the cards saved in your account, thereby removing any cards you have added before logging in.

To log out from your existing account:

  1. Open your Stocard app and go to Account.

  2. Click on Manage Account.

  3. Select Log out under Account Actions.

  4. To restore your cards tap Log in again.


  1. Open Stocard and go to the section Account.

  2. Select Manage account and then choose Change login method.

  3. Now you can select a new login method.

  1. Open the Account section of your Stocard app.

  2. Choose Manage account.

  3. Tap Delete Account.

  4. Confirm that you want to delete your account and all cards in this account by choosing Delete Account again.

Good to know: Deleting a Stocard account does not necessarily mean that all your personal data is deleted.
Stocard might still hold device or usage data. If you would like all data to be deleted, contact our Customer Service via the Contact support option in the Account section of your Stocard app.


I do not have a Stocard Account

  1. Open the Account section of your Stocard app.

  2. Choose Advanced Settings.

  3. Tap Delete all data from the app.

  4. Confirm your deletion request by clicking on Delete My Data.

Please note, you are not able to restore your cards.



Be sure you have first sign up for an account on your old phone so that your cards are saved in your personal cloud account.

  • Sign up for an account on your old phone in your Stocard Account settings under Sign up and select one of the available signup methods.

  • As soon as your account displays as Signed in on your old phone all cards that are currently stored in Stocard on this device are automatically synchronized with your Stocard cloud account and can then be accessed on all of your mobile devices.

  • To restore the cards on your new phone open your Stocard Account on the new phone.

  • Tap Log in using the same login method you used for the account signup on the old phone. Stocard will automatically fetch your card data and all your cards will be restored.

To synchronize your cards, passes and points balances across multiple devices:

  • Log in to the same Stocard account on all of your devices.

  • Use your main device (the device where all your cards are stored) for the account sign up.

  • If you sign up for your account on a device that has no cards added there will not be any cards in your Stocard account.

  • When you synchronize your devices, deleting a card on one of your devices will lead to the card being deleted on all connected devices and in your Stocard account.

Verification codes are one-time passwords for sign up, or to access your Stocard account by email.

  • You will receive a new code for each new signup or login attempt.

  • Always use the most recent code.

  • After you have entered your email address, you will receive the email with your verification code.

If you are having issues entering the code, restart the Stocard app and log in or sign up again. You will receive a new verification code for this attempt.

  • Force stop and restart the app (Stocard should not run in the background). Try to sign up or access your account again.

  • Check your spam folder.

  • Always use the most recent code because the codes expire.

If the issue persists, tap Contact support in the Account section of your Stocard app for help.

  • If you registered your Stocard account with Facebook or Google and need to change your password, do this directly in your Facebook or Google account.

  • If you registered your Stocard account by email, we will email you a new verification code to be used as a one-time password to access your account.

Using Stocard

To scan or manually add your loyalty cards to Stocard:

  1. Open the Stocard App and click on the + -button in the top right hand corner (iPhone) or lower right hand corner (Android) of the screen.

  2. Type in the name of your loyalty card’s provider in the search field or scroll through the list. Depending on the chosen loyalty card, either the barcode scanner or a field to manually type in your customer number will appear.

  3. Scan the barcode with your smartphone’s camera or manually type in your customer number – all done! You can add two cards from the same store and add a description to the second card so you can distinguish between the two.

To add additional or custom cards:

  1. Tap Other card. We will automatically generate a default logo for all your custom cards in Stocard.

  2. You can change the default icon by opening the card, opening the card menu (the three dots in the top right hand corner of the card screen) and tapping Edit. Now, you have the option to Add Card Icon (Android) or Change Image (iPhone).

  3. We would suggest using the card provider’s logo so that your custom cards look similar to the cards you added via our database. A front and back picture of your actual loyalty card can then be stored by scrolling down to the section Pictures (iPhone) or Card Pictures (Android).


for a video illustration.

You can also add your loyalty cards to Stocard via pictures in your photo gallery:

  • This option is only available for iPhones. You can now add a new card to Stocard via a picture in your photo gallery. When the scanning screen opens after you select to add a new card, choose Add from Photo.

  • If you are using an Android device and only have a digital version of your card, you could either add the card number manually or scan the barcode from your computer screen or another smartphone.


for a video illustration.

Adding to Apple Wallet:

Apple Wallet currently only supports the following barcode types: QR, Aztec, PDF417 and Code 128 (with iOS version 9 or later).

Open the card menu (the three dots in the top right corner of your card screen) and select Add to Apple Wallet. Stocard supports more barcode types than the Wallet app so there might be cards in Stocard that you cannot add to the Apple Wallet.

Good to know: The option to add to Apple Wallet is not available for cards that were added as Other Cards to Stocard.


for a video illustration.

Adding Passes to Stocard:

This option is only available for Android devices.

To add one of your passes (e.g. boarding passes or event tickets) to Stocard, open the particular pkpass file (usually you will receive this file as an email attachment) and select Stocard as the app that should be used to open the file.

Your passes will be displayed in a separate section below your loyalty cards.

Good to know: Stocard only supports pkpass that are less than 1Mb in size. If the pass is larger, Stocard will not be offered among the options to open the pass.

To delete a card in the Stocard app:

  1. Open Stocard and click on the card entry you would like to delete.

  2. Open the card settings (the three dots in the top right corner of your screen) and select Delete Card (iPhone) or Delete (Android). Alternatively, on Android you can press and hold the card you would like to delete for a second or two. You should then see a bin icon in the top right hand corner of your screen.

  3. Tap to delete your card. You can also delete several cards at once.


for a video illustration.

Delete a card in Apple Wallet:

Cards imported to the Apple Wallet are completely independent from their counterpart in Stocard, therefore, they also have to be deleted separately.

  1. Open the Wallet app via the app icon on your home screen instead of via the shortcut from your lock screen.

  2. Open the card in the Wallet and tap the three dots in the top or lower right hand corner of the screen and select Remove Pass.

  • If your physical loyalty card doesn’t have a barcode printed on it, you can enter the customer number manually by choosing Enter Manually (iPhone) or Manual Input (Android) instead. Double-check your entry so that the correct barcode is generated.

  • You might get the pop-up message Card number not recognized: The card number doesn’t comply with the usual format. If you have double-checked your entry and are sure it is correct, you can still proceed to save it. This message simply means that the specific card provider might have a new format for their cards, which we have not implemented in the app yet.

  • When in doubt about whether or not Stocard generated the correct barcode for your card, contact our Customer Service via the Contact Support option in the Account section of the app.

Additionally, you can add both a front and back picture of your card and a note to your loyalty cards in Stocard. Depending on your operating system, this can be done the following way:


  1. Open the card in Stocard.

  2. Go to the Notes or Card Pictures section.

  3. Tap on the camera icon and take a picture or upload a picture from your photo gallery. You can retake pictures as often as you want.

  4. In order to attach a note to your card, simply type text into the description field.


  1. Open the card in Stocard.

  2. Scroll down to the section Pictures.

  3. Tap on the camera icon for Front or Back and take a picture or upload a picture from your photo gallery. In order to attach a note to your card, tap on the Notes section and type text into the description field.

By adding the Stocard widget to your home screen or lock screen, you will have access to your cards without having to open the Stocard app.


There are two types of widgets: My top cards or Favorite Card. These widgets can be found by swiping right on the iPhone’s lock screen in order to display the Today view:

  1. Open the Today view, scroll down and choose Edit.

  2. Tap on the small + sign located either in the top right or left hand corner of your screen. Scroll through the list until you find Stocard. Alternatively, you can search for Stocard on the search bar.

  3. Tap the Stocard widget.

  4. Tap Add Widget. To configure your widget, keep your finger pressed on the widget for a few seconds to open the widget menu.


On most Android devices you have the option to enable two Stocard widgets. You can usually find them under Stocard or My Cards.

My Cards:

  • This widget shows you your added cards sorted by name, frequency of use, or last used (depending on the card sorting setting you have chosen in your Stocard app).

  • You can choose between the My Cards Big widget which displays 6 of your cards with bigger icons or the My Cards Small widget which displays 12 of your cards with smaller icons.

  • By tapping on one of the cards within the icon, the specific card will open in Stocard.

Card Shortcut:

  1. You can add a card shortcut to your home screen by long-tapping on the app icon which will open a preview of your cards.

  2. Hold on to the logo of a specific card you can move it to any position on your home screen to create a card shortcut.

  • Stocard can be used on the Apple Watch, smartwatches running on WearOS and Huawei Watches using Harmony OS.

  • We don’t offer a standalone watch app but rather sync the cards from the phone app to the watch. This is why Stocard on the Apple Watch will only work when paired with an iPhone, Stocard on WearOS watches will only work when paired with an Android phone, and Stocard on a Huawei phone without Google Services will only work with a Huawei watch running Harmony OS.

  • Most Samsung Watches use Tizen OS which we don’t support.

Wear OS:

  1. Open the Wear OS app on your phone and go to the settings.

  2. Select your watch and choose to sync apps (depending on your specific watch, the settings can be slightly different).
    After these steps, the Stocard watch app should be available.

  3. Alternatively, for Wear OS 2.0 devices it should also be possible to open the Google Play Store on your watch and scroll to the very bottom of the page.

  4. Navigate to Apps from my Phone where you should also find the Stocard app with the possibility to sync apps. Please note, the sync process might take some time, depending on the number of cards you have in Stocard.

Apple Watch:

Ensure your Watch is paired with your iPhone before opening the Apple Watch app on your iPhone.

  1. Tap on the My Watch tab and scroll to Stocard. Apps that you can install appear in the Available Apps section.

  2. To add Stocard to your Watch, select Install.

Harmony OS:

  1. Connect to your watch from the Huawei Health app.

  2. Install the latest version of Stocard on your phone.

  3. Open Stocard on your phone and go to Account -> Advanced Settings -> Wearables (this will only appear if you have the Huawei Health app installed).

  4. Find your watch from the list and click on the sync button to send the cards to the watch.

How to unlock your iPhone with your Apple Watch

Apple has introduced a feature that allows iPhone users with an Apple Watch to unlock their phone via Face ID when wearing a face mask. Face ID will detect when your face is partially covered, and subsequently, scan the other half of your face.

The feature requires you to have iOS 14.5 or later installed on your phone and watch iOS 7.4 on your Apple Watch. Ensure you own an iPhone that supports Face ID as well as an Apple Watch Series 3 or higher.

How to set up Unlock iPhone with Apple Watch:

  1. Go into your iPhone’s settings.

  2. Select Face ID & Passcode.

  3. Scroll down to Unlock with Apple Watch and toggle to the green/ON position.

  • Once you have set up the feature on your phone, you will be ready to unlock it with your Apple Watch. Do make sure that your Apple Watch is on your wrist, unlocked, and protected by a passcode.

  • The first time you unlock your phone with your watch you will be asked to enter your passcode manually on your iPhone. If the unlocking process is successful, you will receive a haptic buzz on your wrist.

  • The first, and only time, you remove your Apple Watch after setting it up you will need to re-enter your passcode when putting it back on.

You have the chance to win amazing prizes as a reward for sharing our app with your friends!

Over a specific period of time, you will have the opportunity to collect tickets, which just might hold the winning ticket at the end of the lottery.

  • Initially, you will collect 1 ticket for registering an account and 1 ticket for adding your first card.

  • You will then be able to share the app with your friends. If your friend signs up for an account you will be rewarded with 5 tickets and an additional 5 tickets when your friend adds their first card.

To participate in the lottery:

  1. In your Stocard app under Account, you will find the option to Refer a friend. This is where you can share Stocard with your friends via a personal sharing link.

  2. By clicking on this link, your friends will either be redirected to Stocard (should they have already downloaded the app), or they will be directed to the App Store or Google Play Store, where they can download the app.
    Once your friend has signed up and added a card, they can claim their tickets and the tickets for the referral will be credited to you.Good to know Referrals have to be completed within 8 weeks.


  • For some cards, we already offer the ability to activate coupons for your cards directly in Stocard.

  • When you use the card at the checkout, your activated coupons will be automatically applied. All cards with this feature have a Coupons section on the card screen.

  • To display the available coupons, log in with the same credentials you use on the website or in the app of the loyalty card provider.

  • After you have logged in, you will see a list of your available coupons.

  • By clicking on Activate your coupons will automatically be applied when you scan the card in-store.


  • For some cards, we already offer the ability to see your rewards points balance directly in Stocard.

  • In order to see your points in Stocard, you will have to enter the same login credentials that you would also use when you access your customer account in the official card provider’s app or on their homepage.

  • If Stocard displays an error message, when you try to log in to your points account for a specific card, or your points are not being displayed when logged in, contact us via the Contact support option in the Account section of your Stocard app.

I get an “Invalid credentials” error message when I try to access my points account

Check the username and/or password entered match the login credentials you set for the specific card account. The credentials required to see your points in Stocard should match the info used to access your customer account on the card provider’s website or app.

If you receive Invalid credentials error message error:

  1. Remove the card from Stocard and add it again (in order to remove the error message).

  2. Double-check your login credentials on the card provider’s website or app. If you are able log in to your card account there it should also work via Stocard.

  3. Retry the login in Stocard. Your points should be correctly displayed.

I get a “Card not activated”error message when I try to access my points via Stocard:

  • Activate your loyalty card to be able to view your points balance in Stocard.

  • Alternatively, first link your loyalty card to your online account with the card provider.

  • Log in to your customer account on the store’s website and check for instructions on how to activate your card. Once you have successfully activated your loyalty card, you will be able to complete the login on the points tab for your card in Stocard to view your current points balance.

How to reset the password for a points account:

  1. Log in on the card provider’s website or app.

  2. Select Forgot Password or Reset Password.

  3. As soon as the credentials have been reset on your points provider’s website, the updated credentials can also be used in Stocard and will be granted access to your points account again.

Add a passcode to protect my cards in Stocard


If you are using an iPhone which has Touch ID or Face ID enabled (available on iPhone 5S or later) you can use your unique fingerprint or Face ID to protect all your rewards cards in Stocard.

  1. Open the Account section in Stocard and go to Advanced Settings.

  2. Activate the Lock with Touch ID/Face ID feature.

  3. Choose a 6-digit passcode as a backup option to access your cards for cases when your Touch ID or Face ID is not working properly (e.g. when your hands are wet or you are in a very dark environment).


If you are using Stocard on an Android device you can enable the Stocard Lock in the Account section of Stocard settings under Advanced Settings.
Enable the Stocard Lock and your cards in Stocard will be secured with your device credentials. This means the passcode you use to access your device from the lock screen will now also be your code to access Stocard.

Good to know: The Touch ID/Face ID lock feature will only be available in Stocard if Touch ID or Face ID is already enabled on your iPhone. Similarly, it will only be possible to enable the Stocard Lock feature, if you already use an unlock method to access your Android device from the lock screen.

Change the passcode for the Stocard lock feature


The Lock with Touch ID/Face ID feature on iPhone devices usually secures your phone with your Touch ID or Face ID or an at least 6-digit long passcode as a backup option for cases when Touch ID or Face ID doesn’t work properly.
In case you can’t remember your chosen passcode, try to access Stocard with Touch ID/Face ID instead.
If you can access Stocard via your Touch ID or Face ID, you can open the Account section in Stocard, go to Advanced Settings and disable the Lock with Touch ID/Face ID feature.
If you then enable it again, you will be asked to choose a new code. Alternatively, you can also unlock Stocard with your iPhone passcode.


The Stocard Lock on Android devices secures your cards with your device credentials. This means the passcode you use to access your phone from the lock screen will also be the passcode needed in order to access your Stocard app.
If you would like to change the passcode for Stocard, you would need to change your device lock in general.

What is the Stocard Card Assistant?

The Stocard Card Assistant is a feature in Stocard that accesses your current location in order to remind you with a push notification to use your loyalty cards when you are near partnered stores.
Moreover, via the Card Assistant push notification you receive, it is possible to directly access the partnered loyalty card via the lock screen without first having to open the Stocard app.
You will find the Card Assistant feature in the Account section in Stocard under Card Assistant.

Good to know: In order for this feature to be fully usable, it is necessary to give Stocard permission to access your location and send push notifications.

How to turn off the App notifications


  1. Go to your iPhone’s system settings.

  2. Choose Notifications and select Stocard.

  3. Choose to disable the push notifications for the Stocard app.


  1. You can turn off the app notifications by long-pressing the Stocard icon.

  2. Click on the Information icon (i) and then disable the notifications for the Stocard app there.

  3. Alternatively, open your device settings, go to Apps, choose Stocard Notifications and disable.

Barcodes & Scanning

Scanning issues can sometimes occur due to older scanning technologies still being used by some stores.

We are optimistic that this problem will soon be solved though as most stores will replace these older scanning devices during the course of their next cash system update.

Until then, you can always ask the cashier to type in the card number manually so you don’t miss out on any rewards points or discounts!

Good to know: Modern image-based scanners can scan barcodes from smartphone displays within a few seconds. (picture). Older laser scanners have difficulties scanning smartphone displays. (picture).

  1. Select a card in Stocard to add. The app automatically opens a screen that allows you to scan your barcode.

  2. Hold the side of your plastic card with the barcode in front of your smartphone’s camera.

  3. The app will then automatically read the barcode and create a digital copy on your phone.

Good to know: For the fastest scanning results the distance between the barcode and the camera should be approximately 20-30 cm/8-11 inches.
Be in a bright environment for optimal lighting conditions. If the camera has trouble focusing on the barcode, move your smartphone slowly back and forth but try to not move the card. If your barcode cannot be scanned, you have the option to type in the customer number manually or contact our Customer Service via the Contact support option in the Account section of your Stocard app.

If the barcode scanner does not open you might need to give Stocard permission to access your camera:


  1. Go to your iPhone’s Settings

  2. Select Stocard

  3. Tap on the Camera permission


  1. Open your system settings

  2. Go to the Application Manager and Search for Stocard

  3. Go to Permissions

  4. Tap on the Camera permission

You can enter the customer number manually by clicking on Enter Manually on the scanning screen. Stocard will generate a barcode based on your entered card number for you.

Alternatively, contact our Customer Service via the Contact support option in the Account section of your Stocard app.

Good to know: We currently support the following barcode formats: Code 128, Code 39, Code 25 Interleaved, QR Code, Aztec, EAN 8, EAN 13, UPC A, PDF417, Data Matrix and GS1 Databar Expanded.

Stocard usually tries to digitize your loyalty cards by using the same barcode format that is also used on your plastic card.

For 2D barcodes (e.g. QR codes) the barcode in Stocard might however look slightly different but contains the same information as the one on your plastic card.

If the barcode in Stocard is not correct (and/or is not working in the store), contact Customer Service via the Contact support option in the Account section of your Stocard app. Attach a screenshot of your card in Stocard and a picture of the barcode on your plastic card. Our Customer Support team will then check whether your barcode was converted properly.

We auto-adjust your screen brightness to the maximum level when a card is opened in Stocard in order to make the scanning process in-store as fast and easy as possible.

When you close your card your screen brightness will return to its previously set level.

Offers & Catalogs

Yes, you can disable the push notifications for new offers in Stocard.

It is currently however not possible to delete or modify the Offers section in Stocard because this section ensures that Stocard is and always will be a free app.


  1. Go to your iPhone’s settings.

  2. Select Notifications.

  3. Choose Stocard.

  4. Disable the push notifications for the Stocard app.


  1. Go to the general Settings on your phone.

  2. Select Application Manager.

  3. Choose Stocard.

  4. Click to disable the notifications here.

Stocard automatically determines your geographic location upon download. However, if you are interested in offers and rewards cards for a different country, you can always change or add regions in the Account section in Stocard under Regions.

The offers are connected to the region you have selected. Therefore, please check if you have chosen the correct country in the Account section in Stocard under Regions.


for a video illustration.

It is currently not possible to select a specific state or province within a country. As some companies have different catalogs for different regions within a country, their online catalog might not be the right one for your region. We are aware of the problem and always try to differentiate between the different states, or provinces, within a country.

Good to know:

  • We also offer the region Hotels & Airlines in Stocard.

  • As soon as you enable this region you will also be able to find bonus programs offered by various hotels and airlines worldwide and can add them to your card list in Stocard.

Which flyers or catalogs you get displayed in your Offers section in Stocard depends on the cards you have added as well as the regions you have enabled in your Stocard settings.

Some card providers decide to make their flyers or catalogs available to an entire region instead of to their respective loyalty card holders only. This is why you might see some offers for cards you haven’t added to Stocard.

No, you will never receive any adverts via text message or email. Stocard will only provide you with catalogs, offers and coupons for your favorite stores within the app. You can access them via the Offers section in Stocard.

Gift Cards

With our new gift cards feature, you can now purchase gift cards for specific stores at a discount directly in your Stocard app!

  1. Ensure that you have a Stocard Account.

  2. Go to the Gift Cards tab in Stocard. Browse through the available gift cards in our marketplace.

  3. Tap on a gift card image in order to see the specific discounts.

  4. Tap on the gift card you want to purchase. Select a gift card value.

  5. Click on Buy to purchase your gift card with the described discount.

If you have not previously purchased a gift card, you will first have to add a credit or debit card as your payment method to Stocard:

  1. Click on Add Credit Card.

  2. Enter your credit card information.

  3. Press the Save button. You are all set!

You will find all your purchased gift cards in the Cards tab. There will be a dedicated section for your gift cards below all your loyalty cards.

We will automatically show you popular gift cards in your country but you can also search for a specific retailer in order to check if there are gift cards currently available for this store.

You will find all your purchased gift cards in the Cards tab in Stocard.

How to use your gift cards to pay for purchases will depend on whether you want to pay in-store or online.


  1. Open the gift card you would like to use as a method of paying for your purchase.

  2. Have the cashier scan the gift card’s barcode.

  3. Provide the cashier with the gift card pin code. You will find it below the barcode.


  1. Open the gift card you would like to use as a method of paying for your purchase.

  2. The redemption code will be displayed there.

  3. Use this code to pay for your online purchase with your gift card.

Good to know: Gift cards may only be usable in specific countries and may have an expiration date. You will find this information at the bottom of the page if you open your gift card.

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to check the balance of your gift cards in Stocard, instead, you would need to reach out to the provider of the gift cards directly.

Please note, for Australian users, there is a

that allows you to check the remaining amount on your gift cards.

If you change phones, you can restore your account information, as well as your gift cards, by logging in to your existing Stocard account.

If you want to buy a gift card for someone else and gift it to them:

  • Choose the desired gift card

  • Select Gift to someone else

After you have completed the purchase, you will be prompted to share the gift card with the person of your choice. A unique link will be created, which, once opened, will add the gift card to this recipient’s Stocard account.

If you have forgotten to share the card, you will find it in your purchase history on the gift cards tab, in the top right hand corner. Once you tap on the gift card, you will find the option to Share Again.

Good to know: Should you click the link yourself, the card will be added to your Stocard account and cannot be shared again.

You can use Visa and Mastercard (as well as Maestro in selected countries) to buy gift cards in Stocard.

It is not currently possible to add gift cards to the Apple Wallet – but we hope to make this possible in the future.

Gift cards are non-refundable. This is also stated in the Terms & Conditions you have to agree to before completing the purchase.


Should it ever happen that a store refuses to accept your digital loyalty card in Stocard, contact Contact Support in the Account section in Stocard and let us know in which store and in which country this has happened.

Our team will then try to find a solution with the store in question that is beneficial for the customer.

We are always trying our best to avoid any crashes in the app.

You can help us detect the source of the problem by describing the bug in detail (e.g. When exactly does the app crash? Does it crash after a certain action?)

  • In case Stocard displays an error message, please include a screenshot.

  • Do not reinstall the app without registering an account first – you might risk losing your data.

  • Ensure to either wait for the next update which will fix the problem or to only reinstall the app if you registered an account with Stocard first.

  • This way you can ensure that your data can always be restored.

Did you reinstall Stocard on your phone or change your device prior to your cards disappearing? If so, your cards need to get restored from your registered Stocard account first.
Follow the steps on


  1. If your cards suddenly disappeared, even though you did not reinstall Stocard or change your device, contact our Customer Service via the Contact support option in the Account section of your Stocard app, so that we can further investigate what happened.

  2. Describe what exactly you see when you open Stocard now (e.g. do you see only a blank page as if your cards are not loading correctly or are you prompted to add your first card now?).

Stocard Pay Decommissioning

Stocard is committed to providing you with the best possible shopping experience. To do so, we will focus on helping you collect your loyalty cards in one app while working with Klarna to bring you a more smoooth way to shop and pay.

What does it mean for me?

  • The Stocard Pay feature was decommissioned on November 30, 2022. A notification was sent out via email and in the app 60 days prior to the wind-down.

  • Stocard is available to save your loyalty cards. However, you will no longer be able to use the payment feature.

  • If you would like a continued smoooth way to shop, Stocard has worked with Klarna to bring you the same customer-focused shopping experience and payment features.

  • If you didn’t transfer your money out or utilize it before November 30th, 2022, or you received refunds from merchants after your card has been discontinued, please contact our service team via the Contact support option in the Account section of your Stocard app to claim the balance back.

Good to know: You will have a maximum of 6 years to claim your funds per legal and regulatory obligations.

Yes! Even though the Stocard Pay function will be removed, you can still find your current balance and your transaction history.

  1. Open the Pay section of your Stocard app.

  2. Scroll down to the section Transactions. Select More to see more transactions.

  3. Tap on a specific transaction to see the transaction details.

We encourage you to keep a copy of any relevant or important transactions.

Good to know: Your Stocard Pay data will be safely stored for legal and regulatory purposes. If the data is no longer required to fulfill contractual or legal obligations, it will be deleted regularly unless further processing is required to preserve the information for legal or regulatory purposes. Your Stocard Pay data will not be sold or advertised.

Stocard is focusing on bringing all of your loyalty cards into our easily accessible app. Stocard is continuously working to improve your experience and will still issue updates on the app to simplify your shopping experience.

Good to know: Your information will not automatically be transferred to Klarna, but a simplified sign up with Klarna is available.