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Xerox Duplex Portable Scanner XDS-P

Xerox Duplex Portable Scanner XDS-P

Compare prices from $214.99 to $249.47

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Office Depot

Xerox Duplex Portable Scanner - Document scanner - Contact Image Sensor (CIS) - Duplex - - 600 dpi - up to 20 ppm (mono) / up to 20 ppm (color) - up

Office Depot

Xerox Duplex Portable Scanner - Document scanner - Contact Image Sensor (CIS) - Duplex - - 600 dpi - up to 20 ppm (mono) / up to 20 ppm (color) - up

Free shipping, 3-5 days

Xerox xds-p - duplex portable scanner 20ppm/40ppm adf 20sheets - 8.00


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