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  • Business log in

    Log in to manage your orders, payout reports, store statistics, and general settings.

Holiday gifting

Big gifts. Smaller payments.

Spread the cost of festive shopping, interest-free.

Get the free Klarna App on your phone:

Pay in 4

Enjoy the flexibility to pay with 4 interest-free payments at any online store through our app.

Manage your payments

Get a clear overview of all your shopping with Klarna in the app, report returns and get help if you need it.

Never pay full price

Get price drop notifications on the items you save in the app.

Shop everywhere online or meet us at the checkout at your favourite stores.

Shop and save.

Find the best deals with Klarna.

The all-in-one shopping app.

It doesn’t matter if you’re shopping in bed, on the go, or at your desk—we’ve got you covered from inspo and deals, to payments.


150 million active shoppers have already experienced smoooth payments. Two million transactions per day means a large customer base seeing the value of pay later.


Over 450,000 retailers are working with us worldwide. From big to small, brands are partnering with Klarna to offer a seamless checkout experience to their shoppers.

15 yrs

We’ve been powering online checkouts for 15 years. Always with a set, specific goal in mind – to create the smooothest shopping experience ever.

There’s a new club in town!

Shopping is even more rewarding with Klarna rewards club—join now for free. Earn points to unlock perks and get special access to exclusive club deals and experiences.

Have a business and want to sell with Klarna?

Copyright © 2005-2024 Klarna Bank AB (publ). Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Klarna Bank AB (publ). Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm. Organization number: 556737-0431