How do I know I’m using a secure payment form and not a phishing attack?

“Phishing” are attempts by third parties to gain and misappropriate sensitive personal information (e.g. account number, PIN, TAN, credit card number) from recipients of e.g. “phishing emails”. These emails are imitations of those from trustworthy sources and, via a link contained in the email, seek to lead the recipient to a fraudulent website. At such a website (which in turn is also an imitation of the website of a trustworthy company), the victim is asked to provide personal information. With the help of the following characteristics, you can check the authenticity of Pay now: 1) The Internet address (URL) must begin with (this means you are using the secure payment form. This URL contains “sofort” as this was the original name of the payment method.) 2) By clicking on the security certificate – in green, at the beginning of the URL – you can see that Sofort GmbH (Sofort GmbH is a Klarna Group Company) is the owner of the certificate. The lock symbol confirms that the connection is secure. Data transfers are carried out via secured SSL connections.

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